6 Tips for staying healthy while staying inside


I know it’s hard to get off the couch but you should, even walking will get your heart rate up, and increase your endorphins. So get off your lazy butt, but on some shoes, and put on your favorite podcast. It’s a good way to not get overwhelmed by all the work you have to do, and to clear the mind for a little bit. Remember to cross the street when you see someone else walking out of courtesy, but it’s still good to say hi!

  1. Do a Chloe Ting workout
Chloe Ting’s youtube channel

I have been trying to do at least one a day and they are short and easy. I do them on my living room floor, and it makes me feel productive and healthy when I don’t want to be. You can go at your own pace, and they aren’t as intimidating as working out in a gym. They also aren’t just for women, guys love them too, and taking 10 minutes out of my day to workout isn’t too bad!

  1. Do your work outside 
Sienna doing Homework outside

Take your portable laptop outside, it will give you a change of scenery and maybe urge you to go on that walk. And if you don’t really have an outside, move locations. Moving around the house will stop you from being too stir crazy. 

  1. Watch what your snacking on

I try to keep carbs out of my snacking, which is hard to do. When you’re home instead of reaching for the chips, grab some carrots and hummus, or a clementine. You’ll feel better about yourself, and it will be better for your body. Carbs will just make you sleepy and make you feel more unmotivated then you already feel.

  1. Drink lots of water

I know you might not be as tired or parched from talking at home, which you’re probably doing less of. But it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day to avoid getting headaches from staring at a screen all day. I still carry around my hydroflask and try to fill it up 3-4 times a day. This will also stop you from wanting to over eat from boredom.

  1. Try new recipes

Instead of making pasta every night, or ordering in, try a new recipe! It will give you something to look forward to, and maybe it can be a healthy dinner like rice salmon and salad, or you could try making that soup you like. Cooking for yourself or for your family gives you satisfaction in a job well done, and will force you to get off of your phone, and standing up.

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